Answered By: David Hughes
Last Updated: Sep 12, 2022     Views: 28


Keyword has a couple of different, but related definitions

  1. The words or phrases that best describe what you are searching for, so you type them into a search box to search for information on your topic.
  2. In a database, a word or phrase that appears on a defined list of possible terms that reflect and describe the content of individual records. For example, the image below shows a record from ProQuest Education Database.

Record from ProQuest Education Database showing subject descriptors (Keywords)

In addition to the title, author, journal details and abstract, there is list of "subject headings" or "subject terms" - words or phrases that describe the content of the item. You can click on a subject heading to see all items in the database with that same subject heading, or you might take note of those that seem relevant to your topic and use them in your search. 

