Answered By: David Hughes
Last Updated: Sep 23, 2022     Views: 22


Boolean operators are simple words (AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT) used to connect your search term together to either narrow or broaden your set of results. The three commonly-used Boolean operators are 

  • AND - requires both search terms to be in each result returned (narrows search)
  • OR - requires either search term to be in each result returned (broadens search)
  • NOT - requires search term to be missing from results returned (narrows search)

Resources uses offer Boolean operators an option in their advanced searching and are a way of limiting, or increasing, the number of results of a search.

Resource advanced search with Boolean operator selection menu

For example:

  • Scotland AND Ireland will only return results that contain both Scotland AND Ireland
  • Scotland OR Ireland will only return results that contain Scotland OR contain Ireland
  • Scotland NOT Ireland will only return results that contain Scotland but don't contain Ireland


  • Use AND to reduce the number of search results
  • Use OR to increase the number of search results
  • Use NOT to reduce the number of search results

