Yes, some books on eBook Central are DRM-free and allow for unlimited download, copying and printing. You can find them by going to the advanced search page and ticking both 'Owned and subscribed to by my library' (if not pre-ticked) and 'Unlimited print, copy and download'

There are also some DRM-free ebooks in EBSCO's FE Subscription Collection, but currently you cannot search for them.
Some other sources of DRM-free ebooks include:
BC Open Textbooks
- A collection of open textbooks managed by the University of British Columbia, freely available to use and adapt. The collection includes FET equivalent textbooks, including a trades collection intended for use by apprentices.
Directory of Open Access Books
- Established by the OAPEN Foundation and OpenEdition, the DOAB is a curated list of open access (free to read and download) academic books
Open Textbook Library
- A growing catalogue of free, peer-reviewed, and openly-licensed textbooks managed by the University of Minnesota
Project Gutenberg
- A library of over 60,000 free eBooks, that can be downloaded in a number of different formats or read online.